To start the search - Keep it simple
I often iterate on my sourcing set-up. I (re)start from scrath, I make a new analysis of the project/need, I think about keywords, exclusions, the ideal profile... which allows me to complete the initial set-up.
To identify the first keywords
To know where to start the research
Competitors or similar companies/projects
⚒️ Welcome to the jungle, Stackshare, Crunchbase or Mattermark
Websites, forums etc.
Communities, associations etc.
Schools vis alumni programs or rankings
Events, trade fairs, conferences, meet-ups etc.
How to scrap those endless lists of contacts/companies?
⚒️ Phantombuster or Instant Data Scraper
💡 Trick & Trip
Sourcing iteration
Combine +10 profiles. It's your very first sourcing sprint.
Ask for your team/hiring manager to review them.
It will help to balance hiring expectations with real concrete backgrounds/persons
🛠️ your ATS if it's worth using it for sourcing,